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    Taiwanese Association of America Greater Washington 


2019 TAAGWC 感恩節餐會 Thanksgiving Banquet

Saturday, November 09, 2019 11:00 | Kevin Huang (Administrator)

Dear members and friends 親愛的同鄉/好朋友們,


今年是台灣關係法40週年的紀念,我們將藉此盛會,歡慶美國和台灣40年的友誼和夥伴關係。 傳統中我們也將邀請美國對台友善的政府官員,參眾議員及美國友人與會, 請同鄉熱烈出席,來表達我們衷心的感謝 。面對台灣的總統大選,我們也會有深入的探討。

為了讓同鄉值回票價,我們特別選在馬里蘭州洛克維爾市景色宜人的Lakewood Country Club 高爾夫球場俱樂部舉行, 精美的餐點會準備全套熱湯、甜點、有魚也有肉的海陸大餐 。節目除了高唱故鄉的歌,還特地請到台灣的太陽魔術師孫平先生演出精彩的魔術表演;當然舞池裡的翩翩起舞,卡拉OK歌星高歌也是不可少的餘興節目,小朋友還有免費的托兒的服務喔!希望帶給大家一個不同的體驗,請大家切勿錯過!

該俱樂部分兩區塊,有宴會大廳(搖滾區250座)及高爾夫球場景觀區(幽靜看不見舞台區90座),目前售票先開放第一區250個座位,搖滾區售完才會開放第二區,請大家把握機會,趕快購票,先買先得!!為了鼓勵同鄉參加,10/29前早鳥優惠僅優待會員,但是同鄉也可以採取包桌的方式宴請您的親朋好友,或者大家一起團購,同學當然還是有學生優惠啦! 請大家一定要盛裝出席!


真的座位有限,請趕快聯絡同鄉會的理事們 ,或上同鄉會網站:購票,或星期天下午親至台灣學校感恩節購票服務台,我們等你來喔!!

The tickets for 2019 Thanksgiving Banquet are on sale now.  This year marks the 40th Anniversary of TRA, which we will celebrate with US government officials, congressional staffs and friends who support Taiwan.  You are encouraged to join this event to show our appreciation to our US friends. Interested in the upcoming 2020 Taiwan Presidential Election? This will be a great opportunity for you to share your thoughts with other members and friends.

The luncheon banquet will be held at the scenic Lakewood Country Club.  The menu includes soup, seafood+meat and dessert. We have prepared songs from Taiwan, magic show, dancing and Karaoke for your entertainment.  Free babysitting service is available.

There are Grand Ballroom (main stage,250 seats) and Overlook & Bridal Suite (golf course view, 90 seats).
Guests will be seated in Grand Ballroom on first buy first seat basis then be seated in Overlook & Bridal Suite as overflow seats.
1. Member/Non-member: $60; Student: $45
2. Early bird (before 10/29): Member only: Adult $40; Student: $25; kids under 12: free
3. Group ticket (before 10/29): $400/table, Student: $250/table
4. souvenir: member only
5. free babysitter service

You can buy tickets any of the following 3 ways:

1. Contact the TAAGWC board of directors.
2. Buy online
3. Buy at the ticket desk at WDCTS Sunday afternoon.

# 說不醉不罷休.....嘿嘿!其實我們沒有酒,在等人贊助啦!


 Taiwanese American Association Great Washington Chapter (TAAGWC) is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization.                        PO BOX 4888  Rockville, MD 20850

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